Ugandans join The Stop Rosebank campaign

The UK Conservative government’s decision to approve the development of the controversial Rosebank oil and gas field project in Scottish territorial waters has been widely criticized by climate activists and other progressive sections in the UGANDA

Members of the Justice movement Uganda from different Universities and communities in Uganda held a demonstration on 2nd october 2023 in kampala to protest the move by UK

Expressing solidarity with the climate activists in UK,these joined the @StopCambo in blocking the world’s biggest ever climate catastrophe of the ROSEBANK oil field which Oil Field is projected to produce a staggering 200 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, highlighting its severe environmental and climate repercussions.

It is also expected to extract 69,000 barrels of oil per day, contributing to the production of 300 billion barrels of oil over its lifetime, further exacerbating the climate crisis and environmental degradation caused by fossil fuel projects and therefore together we say STOP FOSSIL FUELS

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